Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Elizabeth Dole (R) NC Stoops Below the Lowest of the Low, Portrays Opponent as a Godless American

First of all, this is a free country, with laws about separation of church and state, that should preclude this from being an issue at all. It's even more egregious because it is absolutely and completely false. Dole shows us that she is the Godless one by stooping this low.

Dole's new ad falsely accuses Kay Hagan of being an atheist when the fact is that she is a Sunday School teacher and an elder at her Presbyterian church. It is one thing to question your opponent's record and ideology, it is beyond despicable to bald-faced lie in your attempt to do so.

This from Dole's own website:
"Kay Hagan is trying to run a campaign in North Carolina that casts her as a moderate but the money that's paying for it is coming from the left-wing fringe of political thought," said Dole Campaign Communications Director Dan McLagan. "You can tell a lot about a person by their friends and these are friends most North Carolinians would not be comfortable having over for dinner."

Hagan's campaign is being largely funded by labor unions intent on ending North Carolina's status as a right to work state, liberal trial lawyers and ultra left wing groups like which is a deeply anti-military organization. Now Hagan has added anti-religion activists from Boston Massachusetts to the list.

"Kay Hagan does not represent the values of this state; she is a Trojan Horse for a long list of wacky left-wing outside groups bent on policies that would horrify most North Carolinians if they knew about it," McLagan said. "This latest revelation of support from anti-religion activists will not sit well with the 90% of state residents who identify with a specific religious faith."
Update 30, October 2008

CNN's Campbell Brown tells Dole to reclaim her dignity

Kay Hagan's response (maybe you helped to pay for this?)

Help show Dole the power of the "left-wing fringe of political thought", show her that there is a VERY "long list of wacky left-wing outside groups", don't let her ridiculous, divisive, Godless rhetoric help her win.

Please click here now to donate to Kay Hagan now (again, if you already have) to help her fight back, show Elizabeth Dole that the public will not stand for her despicable campaign tactics.

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